Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Autumn Breakfast

Fuyu persimmon and kiwiFuyu persimmon and kiwi. So pretty!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Exotic Fruit

Dragon Fruit and Kiwi BerriesDragon fruit, or piyata, is the fruit of an epiphytic cactus vine native to Mexico, and Central and South America. Now widely cultivated in Southeast Asia and Hawaii as well.

Kiwi berries are delicious little bundles of Vitamin C, without the fuzz of their larger cousins. We found lots of these, grown organically, right here on Vashon this fall and have been enjoying them. Let them ripen at room temperature until they just start to wrinkle.
Dragon Fruit

Here's the dragon fruit cut up and served in its own skin. The seeds are nutty and pleasantly crunchy, and the fruit is very delicate and refreshing.

Isn't that color combination surreal?